Financial Aid

Professional Judgment

联邦学生援助(FSA)对2023-2024年的FAFSA进行了修改,其中包括一些变化 to dependency overrides.

学生可以根据可能发生变化的情况要求更新他们的FAFSA since first filing their FAFSA. Federal Student Aid (FSA) now distinguishes between 职业判断的不同类别如下:

  • 特殊情况:指经济状况(失业等).) that 证明博天堂官方财务援助人员更新数据元素的合理性 COA or the EFC calculation.
  • 特殊情况:指博天堂官方资助人员有正当理由的情况 根据特殊情况更新学生的依赖状态(例如.g. human trafficking, 难民或庇护身份,父母遗弃,监禁),先前提到 to as “dependency overrides”.

在特殊或不寻常的情况下,学生可以要求专业判断 via their WebRunner account. Once on the Home page in FA WebRunner, click Financial Aid, then Financial Aid Dashboard. Once you are in the Financial Aid Portal select "Financial Aid Forms and Appeals" under General Links. If you have not logged into 在此之前,它将要求一次性创建帐户,使用您的FAFSA数据.

screenshot of the Financial Aid dashboard

申请撤销时,学生必须提供证明文件 will be asked for when submitting the appeal. The financial aid office will provide 在审查所有要求的文件后尽快做出决定的学生.

对于影响学生依赖状态的特殊情况,博天堂官方提供财政支持 援助人员将尽快审核所有申请,但不迟于60天 the student enrolls. 表明自己是合格的流浪青年的学生, 寄养青年、孤儿、法院监护、被解放的未成年人或法定监护人 在他们的2022/23年度中,FAFSA将对这些问题给出答案 pre-populated into their 2023/24 FAFSA. Other answers to dependency questions (eg., 年龄,受抚养子女,退伍军人身份)将继续延续到2023/24年 FAFSA. 学生仍然必须确认他们之前对依赖性问题的回答 在提交FAFSA之前是否正确且适用.

Unusual Circumstance

财政援助管理员有权,通过第480(d)(7)条 高等教育法,将学生的身份从依赖转变为独立 cases involving unusual circumstances.

美国教育部已经就这种情况给出了指导 不符合不寻常的情况,可以推翻. In particular, 以下情况不值得依赖项覆盖,无论是单独还是在 combination:

  • 父母拒绝为学生的教育出资;
  • 家长不愿提供有关申请或核实的资料;
  • 家长不申报学生为受抚养人以缴纳所得税;
  • 父母离学生很远(州外)或在国外;
  • Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency.

然而,我们承认有时会发生额外的情况 与上述情况分开的,或与上述情况相结合的,确实值得依赖的 override. These can include:

  • an abusive family environment (e.g., sexual, physical, or mental abuse or other forms of domestic violence)
  • abandonment by parents
  • incarceration or institutionalization of both parents
  • 缺乏抚养孩子的体力或智力的父母
  • 父母下落不明或无法找到父母
  • parents hospitalized for an extended period
  • an unsuitable household (e.g., child removed from the household and placed in foster care)
  • married student’s spouse dies or student gets divorced


如果您不符合上述标准,您将被视为独立学生 符合教育部的资格标准,并且必须提供家长信息 在FAFSA上,所有联邦和州援助资格都将被考虑.

在极少数情况下,可能会建议学生考虑申请金融 Aid without parental information on the FAFSA. This request, if approved, results in Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan eligibility only. Please consider this option 如果您有问题,请仔细并与财务援助顾问一起审查. To learn more, continue reading . . .


Who qualifies for this request?

父母拒绝在FAFSA上填写父母资料的受抚养学生 and whose parent(s) do not financially support them. This includes personal expenses, housing, health insurance, etc. 学生必须对自己的个人, medical, and educational expenses.

What is required to be considered?

完成联邦直接无补贴贷款(不包括FAFSA上的家长数据)表格 并通过他们的电子邮件提交给财政援助办公室:

这包括一份由学生家长签署的关于他们拒绝的声明 完成FAFSA,并且不再为该学生提供经济支持. This 包括所有个人、医疗和教育费用. The student must be 100% self-supportive to be considered for this request.


Subsidized loans have a fixed interest rate of 3.73%* and the government pays the interest while you are in school (enrolled for 6 credits or more). Your eligibility is based on your 由联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)确定的经济需求. 如果你被FAFSA申请确定为受抚养学生,你将会 我们会要求你在FAFSA上填写你父母的信息. If for any reason you 不包括他们的信息,你将只有资格被考虑为无补贴 loans.

Unsubsidized loans have a fixed interest rate of 3.73%* and you, the borrower, will have to pay all interest that accrues on the loan. The interest begins accruing at the time of the first disbursement. 您的资格不是基于经济需要,但可能会受到影响 by other factors determined by your FAFSA.

联邦直接贷款提供给那些还没到法定年龄的学生 borrowing limits.

*注:所有利率均为贷款期间的固定利率. The interest 联邦学生贷款的利率由联邦法律决定. If there are future 影响联邦学生贷款利率的联邦法律变更, they will be published online here.

How much can I borrow?

Dependent Students Unsubsidized Loan
  Fall Winter Spring Total
Freshman (0-45 credits) $1834 $1833 $1833 $5500
Sophomore (45 or more credits) $2167 $2167 $2166 $6500
Maximum Loan Limits (lifetime) Total 
(Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized)
Dependent Student (per FAFSA) $31000
Independent Student (per FAFSA) $57500

如果获得批准,可以考虑申请联邦直接无补贴贷款(FAFSA) 没有家长信息),你将获得无补贴贷款 as a “dependent” student. This approval does not change your dependency status as determined on the FAFSA by the Department of Education.